In accordance with the ByLaw change passed in July 2018, a bondholder must attend 2 Board meetings in a fiscal year (November 1 through October 31) to be eligible for nomination to a Director’s position in the subsequent fiscal year.  Bondholders who attended 2 Board meetings in the 2024 fiscal year will be eligible to run for a position on the Board in 2025.

Officers Elected Representatives
President Gabrielle Rubery
Vice President Administration JoAnne Baglivo
Vice President Finance Colleen Fiabane
Vice President Operations Alex Cornaglia
Treasurer Janet Diiorio
Secretary Sarah Zielke

Standing Committees Appointed Chair(s)
Activities/Fundraising Sarah Zielke
Administration Joann Baglivo
Bond & Membership Jane Webber
Long Range Mike Kuzmick
Finance Colleen Fiabane
Human Resources Janet Diiorio, Gabrielle Rubery, Alex Cornaglia
Nominations/ By Laws Mike Kuzmick
Operations Jeff Sylvestro
Snack Bar Janet DiIorio
Swim Team Colleen Fiabane, Sarah Zielke