Swim Team Schedule
Aquatic Swim Team
Details coming soon
Aquatic Swim Team
Details coming soon
7/9/2022 Aquatic @ Nassau
Congrats to all our swimmers for doing their best today!
Most of our swimmers swam events they weren’t comfortable with and still did a great job!
Congrats to our triple winners: AJ, Caden, Callie and Elana!
HUGE SHOUT OUT to all our parent volunteers!!! It was amazing to be able to go into this meet knowing everyone already signed up!!! Remember we have a home meet WED night so MORE volunteers will be needed.
Thanks Coach Dan and Joe !!
The swimmers really enjoyed their “silly” picture this year
50/50 Raffle Ticket Fundraiser
We are asking that each swimmer sells at least 10 tickets. (we tried to hand them out at practice so if you did not receive any, please let us know. If you have sold those tickets, please get more! The more we sell the higher the pot for everyone!! When you have sold your tickets please turn them in to Colleen or Sarah. We want to give updates on the pot. People like to know how much they could win.
CAR Wash Fundraiser!!
We need the help of all swimmers and their families to make it a success!
6/19/2022: Congrats to all our swimmers for doing such a great job in The Ridley Cup!
Thanks to Danette and Sarah for taking the lead on all fundraisers for swim team! Sarah will also be helping coordinate volunteers for all swim meets.
Reminder: The practice Schedule is MON/ TUES and THURS/ FRI. Our first meet is this weekend at Ridley Township. Our warmups are at 8 am. Please arrive by 7:40 am. This will allow you to find somewhere to park, set up an area and prepared to enter the water at 8 am. Please See Sarah Zielke if you need any assistance during this meet. I believe we will need timers.
6/5/2022 : Practice tomorrow!!
4:30-5:3o pm swimmers with previous swim team experience except 8 and under. (We invite our older swimmers to stay and help with the second practice!)
5:15-6:00 pm: New to swim team and 8 and unders
6:00 pm we will have a parents meeting
Our Swim Team may be small but we are MIGHTY!!!
14 of our Swimmers are moving on to League Championships this Saturday 7/31 at Drexel Swim Club!!! (If for some reason your swimmer can not swim Saturday, I need to know ASAP so their alternate may take their place)
The following swimmers should report to practice all this week at 4:30 pm
Melyssa Boyer- Fernandez
Marley Dukes
Cenine Elkhaddam
Caden Fiabane
Callie Fiabane
AJ Fioravanti
Schuyler Gock
Lexi Hudyma
Hannah Scott
Molly Sweeney
Elena Walls
Mila Walls
Emily Zielke
Grace Zielke
These four swimmers will be competing in a combined total of 25 events on Saturday!!
7/22: Picture Day is today at 4 pm. Please arrive by 3:45pm. Practice will be immediately following picture day.
We still need 3 timers at this time for the meet Saturday.
7/16: Remember tomorrow is a home meet. All swimmers are expected to arrive by 7:45 am. Tomorrow is the Aloha swim for our two senior swimmers. Please remember your Hawaiian things if you have some!!
I am doing a last call for anyone that wanted to enter the contest for the cover. I have to turn them in tomorrow so if you have it, please bring it to the meet tomorrow.
Here is the information again from a previous email:
Is your child creative? Every year there is a contest for the cover of the championship booklet. Your swimmer can design the cover however they would like. It has to be done in black and white. Outlined with sharpie. Enteries are due to me by tomorrow 7/16.
The following information must be included:
59th Annual Intra-County League Championship
Saturday, July 31, 2021
Prospect Park
Springfield Country Club
Anyone swimming in the Drexel Classified must turn in their events and money at practice on Monday.
7/15: Update: Picture day is on Wednesday July 21 at 4 pm. The team picture will be taken first at 4 pm, so please arrive by 3:45 pm at the latest.
All practices for the remainder of the season will be from 4:30-6:00 pm.
Our swimmers continue to improve every meet. This week we even hit triple digits in scoring! Thank you to everyone who volunteered this meet. I really appreciate it. We have another home meet this Saturday. I have gotten a volunteer or two from the pool members. However, it is at home, so a lot of help is still needed. The donation list is up as well.
Congrats to our triple winner Caden Fiabane!!! Our swimmer of the meet was Hannah Scott!! Hannah dropped almost 11 seconds in her Butterfly!! Congratulations Hannah!
Currently the only swimmers I have registered for the Odd Age Meet are the Fiabanes and Shelby Fioravanti. If this is incorrect, please respond with an email ASAP since I will be turning them in by 12 pm.
I am trying to plan the banquet for our swimmers. The banquet will take place at the pool. Members/ Nonmember family members will be invited. Please respond to this email with an estimated count on the number of people you may have attending for planning purposes. Please include the swimmer in your count. The end of season also brings a lot of vacations. Please let me know your availability for the end of the season, especially the week of August 9-13. I understand that with 19 swimmers I will not be able to plan around everyone’s vacations, but I’d prefer that I don’t pick a day 4 swimmers are missing!!
Remember the Aloha Swim is this Saturday! If you have any Hawaiian theme items for your swimmer to wear, we would appreciate it.
Drexel Classified Entries and payment are due no later than MONDAY 7/19 !!!! All swimmers are encouraged to participate in this meet but it is not mandatory. For some of our swimmers the 24th will be their last official meet of the season. This means that the meet on the 25th for Drexel Classified is a great event to attend for one last meet of the season. If anyone has questions on this please let me know. I know we have new families so the end of the season may be confusing in terms of who qualifies for what meets.
Upcoming Events:
Saturday July 10 @ Drexel Swim Club 510 Parkway Drive, Broomall, PA19008
Swimmers arrive at 8 am: Meet starts at 9 am. We still need 3 timers and 1 place judge. Please email me prior to Saturday if you are able to help. Thank you to those that have signed up.
Wednesday July 14 @ Prospect Park Swim Club 13 Washington Ave, Prospect Park, PA 19076
Swimmers arrive at 5 pm. Meet starts at 6 pm. We still need 3 times and 2 place judges. Please sign up outside the office or email me prior to Tuesday. Thank you to those that have signed up.
Thursday July 15 Odd Age Meet entries and payments due to Coach Hailey. (information can be found on the team bulletin board)
Saturday July 17 @ Aquatic vs. Tinicum
Swimmers arrive by 7:45 am. Meet starts at 9 am. We will need 6 timers, 2 place judges, an announcer and a runner. I have not posted this volunteer sheet yet. You can email me or I will be posting at the beginning of the week. We will also need donations for this meet.
Sunday July 18 Odd Age Meet @ Prospect Park
Monday July 19 Drexel Classified Entries and payments due to Coach Hailey (information can be found on the team bulletin board)
Saturday July 24 @ Aquatic
Swimmers arrive by 7:30 am. Meet starts at 9 am. We will need 6 timers, 2 place judges, an announcer and a runner.
Sunday July 25 Drexel Classified @ Drexel Swim Club
Wednesday July 28 Relays at Nassau (Check with Coach to see if in a relay)
Saturday July 31 Championships (for the swimmers that qualified) @ Drexel
Tuesday August 3 Elite Meet @ Tinicum (for the swimmers that qualified)
6/30: Today is a home meet against Springfield Country Club. We will need all parents to help with the running of this meet. I believe set up will begin around 4:15 pm if anyone is available to help. Swimmers are supposed to arrive by 4:45 pm at the latest. They will be getting in the water at 5 pm for warmups. The volunteer list and donation list are up outside the office. If you didn’t sign up before hand that is ok, we still have a place for you to help!! The meet will start at 6 pm, you do not have to arrive before 5:50 to be a timer, I know this was a concern with some working parents!!
A couple housekeeping items. I am missing a couple registration and several payments. If you have not made your payment, please do so ASAP. You can see me if you have any questions.
50/50 sales: Currently I have received the tickets and payment from 8 swimmers (4 families). The total raised by these 8 swimmers is $2,300. That means the winner of the 50/50 that will be pulled on July 4th will take home at least $1,150. Please keep selling your chances. I am requesting that all swim team families turn their chances in by Saturday at the latest. You can turn them in by placing the ticket stubs/money in an envelope and placing them in the gray box outside the office. If you have sold some of your tickets, you can place those sold tickets in the gray box at any time before Saturday. I am finding that more people are buying tickets from myself when they find out how high the pot is!
6/26: Great swimming this morning everyone!! Congratulations to our triple winners: Caden, Callie and Emily!!! Thank you to those that volunteered to help run the meet today: Tom McGrath (Mr. Starter), Hudyman/Hirst Family, Linda McCullough, Boyer-Fernandez Family, Sarah Zielke, Rita Gock, and Tom Arthur. Our next meet is home on Wednesday night. The warmups will be at 5 pm and the meet will start at 6. All families that were unable to volunteer today, we hope will volunteer for the next meet. Congrats to our swimmer of the meet: Caden Fiabane!
50/50 update: At this time we have raised at least $2,000. This means the winner will walk away with at least $1,00. Any chances you have sold you can turn in your stubs and money to me this week at practice or at the pool. This will help us update the total amount the winner will receive. If you need more chances I have those too!
6/24: Thanks to everyone who has signed up to help at the meet on Saturday. Remember the meet can not run without volunteers. Please stop by the sign up sheet outside the offices to sign up. Anyone 14 or over can time so if you aren’t able to maybe an older family member can! Please continue selling your 50/50 chances. If you have some to turn in you can give them to me next week! It will be helpful to get a count. Sometimes they sell faster when they know how high the pot will be!! I also have more chances if you sold out!! If you are on social media, it’s a great place to sell them!! You can just have them venmo you, take a picture of their filled in ticket and send it back to them. You can give the money for the chances via check or cash. Thanks!!
6/18: The sign up sheets to volunteer/donations are available outside the office! Remember that we will need all hands on deck to run swim meets. With such a small team we need every swim family to have at least one parent/guardian/friend/grandparent to help in running the meet. Please keep selling the 50/50 raffle chances. At this time the winner will receive at least $715!!!! I will not be at practices this week, but if you need more tickets I can give them to you at the meet on June 26th! If you have not turned in your registration paper or made your payment for swim team, please drop those in the gray box outside the office at the pool.
6/16: Our first League Meet is at home against Nassau on June 26th. We will need parent help on Friday night June 25th to help set up. Please remember that Coach Hailey will need to turn in a lineup by Wednesday so if your child can not attend the meet on the 26th let her know ASAP. Thanks!
6/12: Our first meet is officially in the books!! So many swimmers dropped time from just this week! We couldn’t be more proud of everyone! Thank you for everyone that made donations and volunteered their time! As you saw today it takes a village. Special thanks to several members who do not have swimmers on the team but volunteered their time to help! Our awesome staff big thank you to you all for all your help yesterday and today!
6/11: Ridley Cup is Saturday, June 12th; Swimmers should report for warm ups @ 7:45 am. Parents please remember to bring your donations for the snack table. Thank you to those who have volunteered to help with the meet. We still need a few more volunteers to fulfill our need.
Thank you! Colleen
We trust you will enjoy the facilities being constantly updated for your relaxation and pleasure during the summer. Contact us today!
925 Amosland Road, Morton, PA 19070